Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The month of April

April started with the 1st.  As does every month.  But we know that it is April Fool's Day, and until you have kids it is a day that gets a little forgotten.  My older two kids are now truly understanding the "Fool" part of the day.  Starting off the morning with a "Mom, there is a horse coming down our road! Come look!"  Let me set up the scenario for you.  We live in town and on a road that is a main bus line.  So while this may seem like a gimme in the "I'm fooling you" department it wasn't.  Just 2 summers ago we had a moose that was roaming through town and we see the occasional coyote too.  Oh, and may I just add that this was done BEFORE my morning cup of coffee!  So, both Jeremy and I went to look out the window and before we could say anything we heard the snickers of Monkey and Peanut going on behind us.  Then they both loudly said, "APRIL FOOLS!"  "WE SO GOT YOU!"  Yes you did, my dear children.  Yes you did.  When did they grow up?  I can remember trying to explain jokes to them and it not really registering in their little minds.  Now I am thinking about all of the future April Fool's Days that we have to look forward to!  I am hoping that they are all as benign as this past one.  Somehow, I doubt it.
We have also been madly finishing our basement.  This is a huge time vacuum.   It is almost there and this requires a whole post on it's own with pictures.  Maybe another time.
As the month progressed I was thinking about T's birthday.  She was turning 1!  In all the preparations of that I nearly forgot that my own birthday was the day before.  I said nearly.  I didn't forget and neither did my wonderful husband.  Sweet baby T and I shared our cake, because really, how much cake can one person eat in a week!  Ok, don't answer that!  My folks and one of my brothers came over to help celebrate an eventful weekend.
After the birthday celebration weekend we had a fairly low key week before we celebrated Easter.  I love Easter.  It is such a great reminder of why I am a Christian.  I am so humbled to think of the love that our Savior has for us, for me.  Mind blowing really.  Anyway, the Saturday before we had our town egg hunt that even the baby was able to participate in.  Then Sunday, the kids donned their Easter outfits and did quick Easter basket hunt and then we were off to church.  After church we were invited to some friends farm for Easter supper and egg hunt.  It was fabulous!  Ever have one of those friends that when you walk into their home you immediately feel as if it's your own?  Physically, it was so different than our own families, but the energy, chaos and warmth felt the same.  There were ALOT of kids running around, which was so great!  And plenty of grown ups to just hang out and be together.  We had an amazing time and I am so thankful for these friends of ours.  We love them!
Now this week, we are slowing down and having a quieter week.  I am thankful for the eventful month that we have had.  Next month looks to be a little less hectic but then we have to gear up for Monkey's 8th birthday at the end of it!  How is he going to be 8?
                               Peanut, in the brown sweats and white shirt, loves soccer. 
                                              Sweet Baby T, 12 months old.
 Monkey wanted his hair cut into a mohawk, until he saw what it looked like and then he had me shave it off!  The idea appealed to him but he isn't a boy who likes to experiment with hairstyles.
                                Peanut and the rest of the town at the egg hunt.
                                     Going through their loot at the egg hunt.

                                                             At the farm on Easter.

                                          I hope that everyone has had an amazing and blessed April!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 10, 2011

With this morning starting with church it can be a little challenging to get my pictures when I am supposed to be listening to our pastor.  I had my camera out at one point, because I thought it would be a great picture to take of everyone praying, but my husband nudged me and told me it was a bit inappropriate.  Ok.  Maybe so. I was just trying to get my picture for the hour!  So, later I made a trip to the fabric store and also went around looking for signs of Spring. With all of that in mind...
Here is my April 10 on 10!